Quotes for Valentine´s Day card

Valentine’s Day is right in the corner and friends are waiting to be surprised and remembered. Be it with flowers, a small gift, a shared experience or just warm messages and a small card.
The best wishes are coming from the heart, but sometimes we might need some inspiration of writing these down. For this purpose, we have gathered some of our favorites here and we kindly share these with you 😊.

For the loved one

  • Erilisi asju on maailmas väga vähe –
    seepärast on Sindki vaid üks!
  • Ma armastan seda tunnet, kui keset meie suudlust naeratad.
  • Ma ei luba Sulle päikesepaistelist ilma, aga ma hoian vihmavarju Su peakohal, kui sajab.
  • Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.

For a friend

  • Sõbrad on nagu tähed – nad pole alati nähtavad, aga nad on alati olemas.
  • Sõbrad on nagu seinad, mõnikord toetud neile ja mõnikord on hea lihtsalt teada, et nad seal on.
  • Tõelised sõbrad on nagu hommikud. Sa ei saa neid kogu päevaks, ent võid alati kindel olla, et nad on olemas, kui üles ärkad.
  • Head sõbrad maksavad kautsjoni, kui lähed vangi. Parimad sõbrad on teiega kambris ja ütlevad: mu jumal, see oli lõbus.
  • Our laughts are limitless, our memories are countless and our friendship is endless!
  • Sometimes being with you is all the therapy I need.
  • There is a big ships
    and there is a small ships,
    but the best ship
    is the friendship!!!

For dear child

  • Armastan sind kuuni ja tagasi.
  • To the world you may be just one person, but to the one person you may be the world.
  • Put your right hand on your left shoulder.

Fo a naughty friend 😊

  • Sõprus on nagu püksi pissimine, kõik näevad seda, aga sina tunned selle soojust.
  • True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi connects automatically.
  • I’d shave my legs for you.
  • Best friends don’t care if your house is clean. They care if you have wine.
  • We’ll be best friends forever because you already know too much.

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