Valentine´s day traditions all around the world

Valentine’s Day is coming .. or is it a Friendship Day ..what are the holidays and traditions of 14 February in different countries?


We are used to the fact that February 14 is symbolized by big hearts, fiery red roses and sweet heart-shaped chocolates. Within easy reach and comfortable to grab in shops as the date approaches. In many ways, it is considered a commercial holiday that gives merchants the opportunity to unleash our wallets, but is it only so? 😉

Valentine’s Day history – from death to romance

Roots of this day go much deeper. Valentine’s Day includes both Christian and ancient Roman traditions. The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentine, all of whom died martyrdom and are accompanied by different legends. According to one legend Valentine was a priest who served in Rome in the third century. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men were better soldiers than those with a wife and family, he forbade marriage. Valentine defied Claudius and secretly continued his marriage. When his activities were discovered, Claudius ordered him killed. The same fate befell other saints who fought for love, each in their own way.

A romantic atmosphere is added to this date by the tradition of the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343-1400), who suggested in the poem “The Meeting of Wild Birds” that birds choose a partner on Valentine’s Day.

The keywords love, finding and keeping it, romance, intimacy, hope, etc. have sent this day for millennia, but as different as there are countries in the world, there are also traditions to celebrate it.

Valentine’s Day arrived in Estonia from Finland in the late 1980s, and we rather celebrate Friendship Day. This is a day when we remember and greet our dearest, friends and other people we care about.

5 exciting Valentine’s Day traditions from around the world

While stores filled with red balloons and gifts is a common sight during Valentine’s Day in India and a few other nations, couples in Bulgaria celebrate their love with a glass of the excellent local wine, lovebirds in Wales exchange special and intricately handcrafted wooden spoons, and Romanian couples go to the forest to pick flowers and wash their faces in the snow as a sign of good luck. Valentine’s day celebrations around the world occur in different ways that reflect local ideas about love.

1. France
It is believed that the first-ever Valentine’s Day card was originated in France, when Charles, the Duke of Orleans, sent love letters to his wife from the prison in 1415. And the French village called “Valentine” turns into the epicenter of romance between 12th and 14th February. One can see the beautiful yards, trees, and homes decorated with love cards, roses, and proposals for marriage flakes. It probably is the most beautiful Valentine’s Day traditions in the world.

2. South Korea
The romantic couples in South Korea celebrate the day of love on the 14th of each month. Yeah, you read it right! “the day of roses” is celebrated in May, “the day of kisses” is celebrated in June, “the day of hugs in December” and single people celebrate “the black day” in April by eating black noodles. It is a completely different Valentine’s Day tradition around the world.

3. Ghana
In Ghana, Feb 14 is celebrated as the “National Chocolate Day.” It is a step that the Ghana government took in 2007 to increase tourism in the country. Ghana is among the largest cocoa-producing countries in the world. On Feb 14, one can attend performances, music events, and restaurants that have themed menus for the special day.

4. Japan
Japan does it quite differently. It is celebrated on 14th Feb and women buy gifts and chocolates for their male companions or lovers. Men can’t return gifts until March 14, which is called the “white day”.

5. Slovenia
In Slovenia, St Valentine is one of the patron saints of spring. It is believed that on February 14, plants start to regenerate as this day marks the first day of working in the fields for the New Year. There is another popular belief that birds ‘propose’ to each other on this day. In order to witness this occasion, one must walk barefoot through fields that are often still frozen.

There are more exciting and unique traditions, but one thing is for sure – love, friendship and relationships are always worth celebrating. It is important to be there, to remember, to be noticed. Maybe surprise with a small gift. As making gifts is sometimes very difficult, everyone has everything, we will try to help you as well and soon be sharing our gift ideas for Valentine’s Day as well as other anniversaries… You can already find something in our e-shop


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