CIY Gifts brings together three entrepreneurial women who work in different fields and are different in nature, but who share a common desire to bring the joy of self-making, togetherness and surprising into people´s lives.

As diverse as our products will be, the meanings of the CIY Gifts brand that unites them, are as well. CIY – Color In Your meaningful moments and memories; Color In Your winter wishes; Create It Yourself … these three letters have many different meanings, all of which characterize what we offer today and in the future.

Although as a CIY Gifts team we are only at the beginning of our joint business journey, our acquaintance is now already 10 years old. We met the moment, when we as new mothers decided to go to baby school with our little ones. This time brought also other fierce women into our lives, lots of freshness, new experiences, collaborations, and noticing that enrich our lives to this day. It can be said that together with our own families, there are more than 30 youngsters and adults behind us, with whom we enjoy being and collaborating from time to time. This is a value we appreciate and wish as well for everyone else.


Maria is our team´s heart and the one who is behind of all our products design and artwork. She is a woman with many talents and a humble soul.
Modesty makes her a sweet, warm and sincere person. She is a cultural organizer, musician, designer and skilled in everything that requires creativity and dexterity. This is what she enjoys most, being ready to try, experiment and act relentlessly until she achieves just the right result. We value her sense of duty, consistency and willingness to work.

Maria’s pickled cucumbers lead to the tongue, the results of bicycle marathons make us proud and exciting activities with her family to feel a little jealous.

Maria says the following statement is well suited to characterize her:
I know I will never come back; therefore, it is tragic to lose the days when I failed to do any good or useful deed.
(Teedy Tüür)



Maigi is our team´s energy ball, who lights us with positive thoughts and vibes. In our team she makes sure that everyone who is interested can know and be part of Maria’s art. In addition, her keen eye and fresh ideas help with both product design and sales.
There are no problems for Maigi, only solutions. She has a great ability to see things from different angles and then find the best solution. She is an entrepreneurial, courageous, positive woman who embraces, engages and does.  Cooperation with her is easy, soft, joyful and forward-looking.
She works in the field of training on a daily basis and is good at ensuring that people are motivated and better at work. Maigi enjoys new experiences in both personal and professional life. Also, as a soccer-mom, she is often found by the stadium or planning our fierce events together.

In our team, Helen makes sure that we together and happily implement all our ideas and plans. She is the initiator and, in a good way, the culprit who brought us together in this project. She noticed, inspired, created a vision and lighted the fire in our hearts.
Helen is a versatile and entrepreneurial woman who likes fierce, interesting people and exciting projects. On a daily basis she is a lecturer and trainer, marketing expert and runs a small social enterprise.
She spends her free time as a soccer-mom, sets up hairstyles for the daughter´s ballroom competition or spends time in her garden.
According to Helen, she can be characterized by the following statement:
Even if you are on the right track, you will be run over when you stand still. (Will Rogers)